Chemoattraction for leukocytes, lymphocytes.
Release of inflammatory mediators from leukocytes
and mast cells.
Smooth muscle contraction.
Target Diseases
1. Parkinsons Disease
2. Anti cancer
3. Covid-19
The Covid19 virus has been shown (scientific papers, on site patient testing etc) to activate an inflammatory peptide (small protein) calledC5a in the human bloodstream, which in turn releases various toxins in the blood, referred generally as the cytokine storm. These toxins attack various internal body organs, eg heart, lung etc and eventually lead to organ failure and death.
PMX53 and other numerical PMX peptides, are antagonists to C5a shutting it down and not allowing the generation of further cytokines via a key in a lock action where C5a above shown in red, has PMX53 shown in green, lock on to the tail of C5a shown in yellow
It is the objective of the company, subject to appropriate funding, to test PMX53 against Covid19 outcomes